Saturday, May 7, 2011

How to Get Crayon Off the Wall

I have to thank my friend Tryna for this one. I know a lot of people use Magic Erasers to get crayon off the wall but they can hurt your paint. I found this out when I was using it on my daughters wall and when I ran my hand over the spot I had cleaned I had pink paint on my hand! Same thing happened when I used it on the green wall in our basement. My friend mentioned using WD40 on the wall to get crayon off. I tried it and it works great and doesn't hurt the paint! The only draw back I found was the smell which was gone after a while. I just sprayed some on a rag and wiped the wall off. It only works on crayon though. If you are a mother I know you will have a chance to try this out very soon. What is up with kids and drawing on the wall?!


  1. Next time just use baking soda or rubbing alcohol. They won't damage the paint and is very easy to use.
