Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Loving the Chaos

I think when you become a mom you just need to accept that your life is going to be crazy at times and that your house will never be completely spotless and you will know more about Elmo than you would like to admit. Accept it, Embrace it and enjoy what you get in return.
I remember when I was pregnant with my oldest daughter, Hazel, there was this little girl who came over to our house with her mom and she sat and watched a movie. She was a total angel, she just sat there and watched the movie, not bothering anyone, not running around, she was even sitting up all prim and proper and it DROVE ME NUTS! I wanted to say to her act like a kid, run around and yell, play, for good heavens at least freaking slouch a little! I thought to myself I really hope my baby isn't like that and Hazel got that message loud and clear. I don't think that girl ever sits still, she even moves around a ton in her sleep. My sister Kati has slept with her and says Hazel can be nose to nose with you and still some how manage to kick you in the face.
If your children do something really awful like say maybe cut their own hair or get a raisin stuck up their nose (both I have dealt within the past few months)I say get the camera out and take a few pictures for your family blog and think about what you are going to say about it. It can really change the way you look at the situation and maybe even make you laugh about it.

Obviously if your child is bleeding or something take care of your child first before going to get the camera. When Evan stuck the raisin up his nose I got the tweezers out and tried to get it out first. Then when his nose started to bleed that is when I gave up called my husband to come home and watch the other 3 kids so I could take him to the doctor and while we waited I got the camera out and I can say it calmed me down a lot.
Also calling someone and telling them about it can help. I remember calling my mom all upset and I burst out laughing as I said "Evan stuck a bead up his nose and I can't get it out!" (yes same child different object up his nose) the situation was just so funny when I said it out loud even though I was upset about it (I got the bead out on my own with the tweezers).
So what I am saying is love the fact that your children drive you nuts its their job.

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